
About Baruch and Rivka:

Baruch Korman has a Master of Divinity in Biblical Languages and a PhD in Jewish Studies.  He is the director of the Zera Avraham Institute based in Israel.  His television show, Love Israel, is broadcast around the world, in many different languages, on networks such as Daystar, God TV, Faith Broadcasting and on several TBN international affiliates.  We also broadcast our television show in Hebrew in Israel and have a Hebrew website, pdut.org.

In the United States, we al so produce a weekly, one hour radio program which can be heard on nearly 200 radio stations via the American Family Radio Network and Sirius XM.  This program consists of both a 30 minute teaching segment followed by a 25 minute discussion with Ronnie Houlihan and Tom Le Vine.

For more information and to access numerous video teachings, please visit LoveIsrael.org.  Please also check out the LoveIsrael.org channel on YouTube, Roku, Apple Fire, One Place and many other internet platforms and our new app:  My Bible Study.

Baruch and his wife Rivka live in Israel and have been married since 1987.   They have 3 adult children who all live in Israel as well.

Rivka Korman was born and raised in the U.S. and became a believer in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) at a very young age.  While studying at university, she met Baruch Korman and they married after she graduated in 1987.
Baruch and Rivka have been in full time ministry together since that time. They moved to Israel in January 2002 with their 3 children. Rivka earned an MA in Biblical Studies in 2007.  Her thesis was a comparison of the Biblical Messiah and the Rabbinical Messiah.

Rivka established the Website BiblicallyInspiredLife.com and YouTube Channel “Biblically Inspired Life” in 2018, to encourage believers to infuse every aspect of their lives with Biblical Truth.  We believe that true joy is found only through obeying and serving the L-rd.