Second Timothy Chapter 3 part 2
The apostle Paul had a testimony, a testimony that spoke to two things. First, Paul's faithfulness, he received the faithfulness of God and that faithfulness was displayed in his life, through his behavior through his words. And then the second thing that we can be assured of is that when we behave in faith, we are going to be rejected by this world. And Paul is going to teach us that this is something that is going to get worse, we've seen this, in our previous study of this same chapter, it's going to get worse and not better in the last days. And therefore perseverance, patience, being someone who's willing to suffer or long. All of these are the characteristics of a true believer, and Paul, once young Timothy, to know this truth, and to apply it to his life, that he too, has a testimony, a god pleasing testimony. And obviously, we are studying it tonight in order that we too, can live in a manner that is pleasing to our Lord and Savior, that honors his name. And that demonstrates our covenant or relationship with Him.